As a top dentist in Corpus Christi, TX, Boss Dental Care offers full family and generally dentistry as well as restorative and cosmetic treatments. We also make orthodontics available and are happy to help a patient discover if they are a candidate for ClearCorrect.
What Is ClearCorrect?
Though you will hear it described as invisible braces or clear braces, ClearCorrect is a system that is meant to correct the alignment of the teeth (which is the same as braces), but to do so using equipment that is undetectable to the eye. Instead of wires and metal brackets glued to the teeth, this system of orthodontics uses clear aligners that slide invisibly over the upper or lower teeth, slowly moving them into a better position.
In six months to two years, most patients have a properly aligned smile, and the treatment can address an amazing diversity of issue. Does this make anyone a good candidate for ClearCorrect? Sadly, no, not all patients can use this approach, but an enormous majority does qualify.
There are many issues that can be addressed through the use of the clear aligners, including:
Over and underbite – This is when the teeth in the front of the mouth do not line up properly and extend much farther past one another than they should
Overcrowding – Even with the removal of extra teeth (as many people do end up with too many adult teeth), crowding can still be a problem. Clear aligners can adjust this and give you a better bite
Gaps and uneven spacing – This is just as problematic as crowding, and aligners can be made to adjust these gaps
The goal of all treatment with orthodontics is to give a healthy bite, and you can be a good candidate for ClearCorrect if you have even moderate to mildly severe issues with the bite. Really, you are not a good candidate only if you are on a very abbreviated timeline or your bite issues are quite severe. If you are patient and able to provide the right sort of attention and care to the aligners, wearing them 22 hours each day, then you are probably a great candidate.
Contact Our Corpus Christi Dentist Office to Learn If You Are a Candidate for ClearCorrect
If you want to know more about ClearCorrect, feel free to give us a call at our Corpus Christi, TX office at 361-245-5400. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.